46 Woodstock Rd, Oxford, OX2 6HT

Mon - Sat 8:00 - 18:00

01865 507174
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Oxfords Will writing service

At A.D.E Wills, we understand how crucial a well-crafted Health and Welfare Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) is for your future. Our professional Will writers and estate planners are ready to guide you through this vital process, ensuring we accurately reflect and legally protect your wishes.

Understanding Health and Welfare LPAs

A Health and Welfare LPA empowers you to appoint trusted individuals, called ‘attorneys’, to make health and care decisions on your behalf if you lose the capacity to do so. Consequently, this essential document ensures others respect your wishes and manage your care according to your preferences, even when you can’t communicate them yourself.

Why Choose A.D.E Wills for Your Health LPA?

Unlike standard online forms, we offer a personalised consultation with an experienced Will writer and estate planner. As a result, our approach provides you with expert guidance, clarity, and peace of mind throughout the process. Here’s what sets us apart:

1. Expert Guidance: Our professional Will writers tailor your LPA to your specific needs and circumstances.

2. Clarity and Understanding: We explain complex legal concepts in plain English, thereby ensuring you make informed decisions about your future care.

3. Comprehensive Service: From initial consultation to registration, we support you every step of the way, promptly answering your questions.

4. Peace of Mind: With A.D.E Wills, you can confidently know that we’ve legally documented and protected your future healthcare wishes.

Our Streamlined Online LPA Process

We’ve developed a straightforward yet comprehensive process to create your Health and Welfare LPA:

1. Initial Contact: First, schedule your online Instructions Meeting at a convenient time. You can do this through our website, by calling us on 01865 507174, or via email at info@adewills.co.uk.

2. Instructions Meeting: During this crucial consultation, we’ll discuss all aspects of your LPA, including:

– Personal Details: We’ll gather essential information such as your full name, date of birth, and contact details.
– Choosing Attorneys: We’ll help you select up to four suitable attorneys, while explaining their responsibilities and the qualities to consider.
– Decision-Making Powers: We’ll clarify how multiple attorneys can make decisions and help you choose the most appropriate option for your situation.
– Replacement Attorneys: We’ll discuss the benefits of naming replacement attorneys and, if you choose, guide you through this process.
– Life-Sustaining Treatment: We’ll thoroughly explain this critical decision, using real-life examples to help you understand the implications.
– People to Notify: We’ll explain the role of notifiable persons and help you decide whether to include them in your LPA.
– Preferences and Instructions: Finally, we’ll guide you in expressing your healthcare wishes, distinguishing between preferences and binding instructions.

3. Document Preparation: After your consultation, we’ll draft your LPA, ensuring it meets all legal requirements.

4. Review and Finalisation: Next, we’ll send you the draft LPA for review. If you need any changes, we can arrange a follow-up consultation to refine the document and address any questions you may have.

5. Signing and Witnessing: Once you’re satisfied with the LPA, we’ll either arrange a Signing Meeting or provide clear instructions on how to sign and have the document properly witnessed, depending on your chosen Online LPAs package.

6. Registration: If you select our Premium Package, we’ll then handle the registration process with the Office of the Public Guardian, keeping you informed throughout.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How long does the process take?
A: We aim to send you the initial draft LPA within 7 working days of receiving your full instructions. Subsequently, registration with the Office of the Public Guardian typically takes 16 to 20 weeks.

Q: Can I make changes after the Instructions Meeting?
A: Absolutely. We can arrange follow-up consultations as needed to ensure your LPA perfectly reflects your wishes.

Q: What costs should I expect?
A: Our fees cover the consultation, document preparation, and optional registration service. We’ll provide a clear cost breakdown during your initial contact. Moreover, you can find full details of our LPAs services pricing here.

Take Control of Your Future Healthcare Decisions

Don’t leave your future care to chance. A Health and Welfare LPA is vital to ensure others respect your wishes, even when you can’t express them. At A.D.E Wills, we’re committed to providing expert guidance and support throughout this important process.

Are you ready to create your Health LPA? Contact A.D.E Wills today on 01865 507174 or at info@adewills.co.uk to schedule your Instructions Meeting. Together, we’ll protect your future healthcare choices and give you and your loved ones peace of mind.

Disclaimer: This article provides general information about Health and Welfare Lasting Power of Attorney. For advice tailored to your specific circumstances, please consult with a legal professional.

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