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In our increasingly digital world, the question of what happens to our online presence after we’re gone has become more important than ever. This comprehensive guide will help you navigate the complex landscape of digital legacies, with a focus on managing social media accounts of loved ones who have passed away.

The Importance of Managing Digital Legacies

There are several crucial reasons why managing a deceased person’s social media accounts is essential. Firstly, it helps prevent identity theft by securing your loved one’s personal information. Secondly, it provides an opportunity to preserve and share memories, effectively creating a digital memorial that friends and family can visit. Moreover, managing these accounts respects the wishes of the deceased, which is particularly important in our digital age. Lastly, this process can provide much-needed closure for those left behind, helping them navigate the grieving process.

Navigating Popular Social Media Platforms

Let’s explore how to handle accounts on various popular platforms, each with its own unique procedures:


Facebook offers a forward-thinking “legacy contact” feature, allowing users to designate someone to manage their account after death. This foresight can significantly simplify the process for loved ones.

If you’re the designated legacy contact, you have several options at your disposal. For instance, you can update profile and cover photos, respond to new friend requests, pin tribute posts, and even request account removal if that aligns with the deceased’s wishes.

In cases where no legacy contact was appointed, you can still take action. The process involves completing the “Request to Memorialise” form on Facebook and providing proof of death. Consequently, this will convert the account into a memorial, preserving the user’s content and allowing friends to share memories.


Instagram, which is owned by Facebook, has implemented similar processes for handling accounts of the deceased. You have two main options: memorialising or deleting the account.

To memorialise an account, anyone can initiate the request by providing proof of death. Once memorialised, the account becomes frozen – no new posts, likes, or comments can be made, and it’s hidden from public spaces on Instagram.

Alternatively, if deletion is preferred, immediate family members can request this option. However, be prepared to provide substantial documentation, including proof of your relationship to the deceased and a death certificate.


Twitter’s approach differs somewhat, as they don’t offer account memorialisation. As a result, you’re left with two choices: leave the account as is or delete it entirely.

Should you choose to delete the account, you’ll need to contact Twitter directly. Be prepared to provide comprehensive documentation, including proof of death (a death certificate), your ID, and the deceased’s account details. It’s important to note that Twitter maintains a strict policy of not providing account access to anyone after the user’s death, so consider this option carefully.


LinkedIn takes a proactive approach by allowing users to designate a trusted contact to manage their account posthumously. This designated person can then decide whether to leave the account open or close it.

To close an account, the trusted contact (or a family member) should reach out to LinkedIn. You’ll need to provide specific information, including the member’s name and profile URL, your relationship to the deceased, the date of passing, and their last place of employment.

TikTok, WhatsApp, Snapchat, and YouTube

These platforms have implemented simpler processes, primarily focused on account deletion. For TikTok, you’ll need to contact their support team and provide proof of death and your relationship to the deceased.

WhatsApp offers a straightforward solution, allowing you to delete the account using the app settings if you have access. This action removes the user from all group chats. Similarly, Snapchat accounts can be deleted if you have the username and password, with the account deactivated immediately and permanently deleted after 30 days.

For YouTube, the process is slightly more involved. You’ll need to access the associated Google Account, navigate to Data & Privacy settings, and select “Delete your Google Account” under “More options.”

Planning Ahead: Digital Estate Planning

To simplify this process for your loved ones in the future, consider taking these proactive steps:

1. Designate legacy contacts where possible on platforms that offer this option.
2. Maintain a secure record of your accounts and passwords.
3. Include digital assets in your Will.
4. Consider utilising a password manager with an emergency access feature.

Furthermore, it’s crucial to address two-factor authentication. While it’s an excellent security measure, it can complicate access after death. Therefore, store backup codes securely with your Will and include detailed instructions for accessing authentication apps in your digital estate plan.

Professional Assistance

Navigating the complexities of digital legacies can be challenging and overwhelming. That’s where we at A.D.E Wills come in. Our team of experts is ready to guide you through the intricate process of digital estate planning, ensuring your online presence is managed according to your precise wishes after you’re gone. We encourage you to reach out – simply call us on 01865 507174 or email us at info@adewills.co.uk for personalised advice and support tailored to your unique situation.


This article provides general advice on managing digital legacies. However, it’s important to note that laws and platform policies regarding digital assets after death are still evolving. Therefore, we strongly recommend reviewing and updating your digital estate plan regularly and seeking professional legal advice for your specific circumstances.

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