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Oxfords Will writing service

Have you and your partner been putting off writing your Wills? You’re not alone. Many couples find the process daunting, but fortunately, A.D.E Wills is here to change that. Our online service makes creating mirror Wills simple, secure, and accessible. Let’s walk you through the process step by step.

What are Mirror Wills?

Firstly, let’s clarify what mirror Wills actually are. Essentially, mirror Wills are almost identical Wills created by couples. Typically, they leave everything to each other and then to agreed-upon beneficiaries, such as children or charities. Although similar, it’s important to note that they’re separate legal documents reflecting your individual wishes.

Moreover, these Wills “mirror” each other in their main provisions, yet they can still include personal touches and individual requests. For instance, you might both agree to leave your estate to each other and then to your children, but one partner might additionally include a specific bequest to a favorite charity or a family heirloom to a particular relative.

Understanding mirror Wills is crucial because they offer a straightforward way for couples to ensure their wishes are carried out together, thereby providing peace of mind and security for your future.

Why Choose A.D.E Wills’ Online Service?

In today’s digital age, creating your Wills online offers numerous advantages. Here’s why A.D.E Wills’ online service stands out:

1. Convenience: Gone are the days of scheduling multiple appointments and traveling to a solicitor’s office. Instead, with our online service, you can create your mirror Wills from the comfort of your own home, at a time that suits you both. This flexibility is especially valuable for busy couples juggling work and family commitments.

2. Expert Guidance: Despite being online, we don’t leave you to navigate this important process alone. On the contrary, you’ll work directly with a professional Will writer and estate planner who understands the intricacies of Will creation and can offer valuable insights tailored to your situation.

3. Tailored Advice: Every couple’s situation is unique, and our service reflects that. Consequently, you’ll receive personalised recommendations based on your specific circumstances, ensuring your Wills truly reflect your wishes and adequately protect your loved ones.

4. Secure: We understand the sensitive nature of the information you’re sharing. Therefore, we’ve implemented robust security measures to protect your data. Your information remains safe on our secure servers, giving you peace of mind throughout the process.

5. Affordable: Creating Wills online is often more cost-effective than traditional methods. As a result, we offer transparent pricing without compromising on the quality of service or expertise you receive.

Getting Started: A Simple Process

Creating your mirror Wills with A.D.E Wills is straightforward. Here’s how it works:

1. First, visit our website and click the “Write your Will now” button on the homepage. This action will take you to our dedicated Will writing section.

2. Next, click “Get Started” to begin the process. Instead of immediately filling out a form, we’ll guide you to schedule a consultation with one of our professional Will writers.

3. During your Instructions Meeting, you’ll have the opportunity to discuss your wishes, assets, and any specific concerns you have as a couple. This is your chance to ask questions and get clarity on any aspects of Will writing you’re unsure about.

4. Subsequently, your Will writer will guide you through important considerations, ensuring your Wills accurately reflect your intentions. They’ll help you think through various scenarios and make informed decisions about the distribution of your estate.

5. After the Instructions Meeting, our team will draft your Wills based on your instructions. We’ll then review everything to ensure it’s in order before sending them to you.

This process combines the convenience of online services with the personal touch and expertise of professional guidance, thus ensuring you get the best of both worlds.

Special Considerations for Couples

While you’re creating mirror Wills together, there are some important points to keep in mind:

Firstly, remember that you can have individual consultations to ensure we meet your personal needs. While mirror Wills are similar, they don’t have to be identical, and it’s important that each partner feels we respect their individual wishes.

Secondly, be prepared to discuss joint assets and how you’d like us to handle them. This might include your home, shared bank accounts, or jointly owned businesses. Your Will writer can help you navigate the complexities of jointly owned assets.

Additionally, consider scenarios where one partner survives the other. What are your wishes then? For example, you might want to ensure that if one partner remarries after the death of the other, the children from your current relationship still receive provisions.

Furthermore, it’s worth thinking about what would happen in the unlikely event that you both die simultaneously. Who would you want to inherit in that situation? This consideration is particularly important if you have children, as you’ll need to consider guardianship arrangements.

Remember, creating mirror Wills is not just about distributing assets; it’s about planning for various future scenarios and ensuring your loved ones remain protected no matter what happens.

What Happens Next?

After your consultations, the process continues as follows:

1. First, our team will draft your Wills based on your instructions. We pay close attention to detail to ensure we accurately reflect every aspect of your wishes.

2. Next, we’ll conduct a thorough review to ensure everything is in order. This includes checking for any potential legal issues or inconsistencies.

3. Within 7 working days of receiving all the required information, you’ll receive your downloadable Wills, along with a Clause Clarification Guide. This guide explains the purpose and effect of each clause in your Will, helping you fully understand the document.

4. Once you’ve reviewed and confirmed the Wills, we’ll send you your final versions, ready for signing. We’ll also provide you with a downloadable Signing Guide, containing clear instructions for making your Wills legally binding.

It’s crucial to follow the signing instructions carefully. In England and Wales, you must sign a Will in the presence of two witnesses, and your witnesses should not be beneficiaries of the Will. Our guide will walk you through this process to ensure you properly execute your Wills and they remain legally valid.

Frequently Asked Questions

To address some common concerns:

1. “Are online Wills legally valid?”
Yes, they are. While we take your instructions online, we provide you with downloadable (ready to print) or printed Wills. As long as you print, properly sign, and witness them according to legal requirements, the Wills are legally valid. Our process ensures your Wills meet all necessary legal standards.

2. “What if we change our minds later?”
Life changes, and your Wills can too. You can always update your Wills, and we recommend reviewing them every few years or after major life events such as having children, buying property, or experiencing significant changes in your financial situation. We’re here to help with any updates you might need in the future.

3. “How much does it cost?”
We believe in transparency when it comes to pricing. Therefore, you can find detailed information on our Will packages and pricing on our website. We offer competitive rates without compromising on quality or expertise.

Ready to Secure Your Future Together?

Creating your mirror Wills is an act of love – for each other and for those you care about. With A.D.E Wills, you’re not just ticking a box; instead, you’re crafting a thoughtful plan for your legacy, guided by experts every step of the way.

Don’t put it off any longer. Call us on 01865 507174 or email us at info@adewills.co.uk to schedule your consultation and start your journey to peace of mind today.

Remember, at A.D.E Wills, we’re not just helping you write a document – we’re helping you protect what matters most.


This article provides general advice about mirror Wills and the process of creating them online with A.D.E Wills. While we strive to offer accurate and up-to-date information, you should not consider this as legal advice. Every individual’s situation is unique, and we recommend consulting with a professional Will writer or legal advisor for personalised guidance.

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