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Write your Will online

Creating a legally valid Will secures your legacy and ensures respect for your final wishes. However, many people don’t realise that UK law requires two independent witnesses to be present when you sign your Will. At A.D.E Wills, we understand this requirement can sometimes feel like a hurdle. That’s why we’ve developed a comprehensive Will writing service that includes professional witnessing, giving you complete peace of mind.

The Importance of Independent Witnesses

Independent witnesses play a crucial role in validating your Will. Their presence serves multiple important purposes:

Firstly, they confirm that you signed the document of your own free will, without any undue influence. Consequently, this step prevents potential disputes after you’re gone, ensuring your loved ones respect and carry out your final wishes as intended.

Secondly, the witnesses help establish the authenticity of the Will. By observing and attesting to your signature, they provide an additional layer of legal protection. As a result, it becomes much more difficult for anyone to challenge the validity of your Will in the future.

Lastly, the act of signing in front of witnesses adds a level of formality to the process. Therefore, this can help reinforce the seriousness and importance of the document you’re creating, ensuring you’ve given proper thought and consideration to your decisions.

Our Professional Witnessing Service: Simplifying the Process

At A.D.E Wills, we’ve assembled a team of trained, impartial witnesses to simplify this process for you. Our professional witnessing service stands out for several reasons:

Convenience at Your Fingertips

Finding suitable witnesses can be challenging. You need individuals who are not beneficiaries of your Will and who are willing and able to be present at the right time. Our service eliminates this hassle. We’ll send our witnesses to attend your Will signing meeting, thus saving you the trouble of finding suitable individuals and coordinating schedules.

Expertise You Can Trust

Our team of witnesses understands the legal requirements inside and out. Moreover, they’re well-versed in the proper procedures for witnessing a Will, ensuring they carry out the process correctly. This expertise provides an extra layer of assurance that your Will meets all legal standards.

Impartiality Guaranteed

As independent professionals, our witnesses have no personal interest in your Will’s contents. This impartiality is crucial for maintaining the integrity of your Will. Furthermore, it helps avoid potential conflicts of interest that could arise if friends or family members were to act as witnesses.

How Our Witnessing Service Works

We’ve designed our witnessing service to be straightforward and hassle-free. Here’s how it works:

1. During your initial Instructions Meeting with one of our professional Will writers, or in subsequent correspondence, simply mention that you’d like to use our witnessing service.

2. We’ll then arrange for two of our witnesses to attend your Will signing meeting. We’ll coordinate the schedules to ensure everything runs smoothly.

3. At the signing meeting, our witnesses will oversee the process, ensuring compliance with all legal requirements. They’ll guide you through the steps, making sure you complete everything correctly.

Affordable Peace of Mind

We believe that creating a legally sound Will should be accessible to everyone. Therefore, we offer our professional witnessing service for just £75. When you consider the potential costs and stress that could result from an improperly witnessed Will, this service becomes an investment in your family’s future security.

Ready to Secure Your Legacy?

Don’t let the witnessing requirement hold you back from creating your Will. Here’s how to get started:

1. Call us on 01865 507174 to schedule your Instructions Meeting with a professional Will writer and estate planner.

2. During your Instructions Meeting, mention that you’d like to use our witnessing service.

3. We’ll take care of the rest, ensuring we properly execute and witness your Will.

Alternatively, you can email us at info@adewills.co.uk with any questions about our Will writing or witnessing services. Our team stands ready to provide the information and support you need to make informed decisions about your estate planning.

At A.D.E Wills, we’re committed to making the Will creation process as smooth and stress-free as possible. Let us help you secure your legacy with confidence, knowing that we’ve handled every detail with professional care and expertise.


This article provides general advice on Will creation and witnessing. While we strive to ensure the accuracy of all information provided, laws regarding Wills can vary, and individual circumstances may affect the applicability of this advice. Therefore, for personalised guidance tailored to your specific situation, please consult with a legal professional at A.D.E Wills.

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