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signing document

Creating a Will secures your legacy and ensures respect for your final wishes. However, many people don’t realise that improper signing can invalidate their entire Will. At A.D.E Wills, we’re committed to helping you avoid this pitfall and create a legally sound document that truly reflects your intentions.

Understanding the Importance of Correct Will Execution

Proper Will execution involves more than just your signature. It’s a precise process that must adhere to specific legal requirements. Let’s break down the essential elements:

1. Testator’s Signature

As the testator (the person making the Will), you must sign the document in the presence of two witnesses. This act demonstrates your approval of the Will’s contents and your intention for it to be your final testament.

2. Witness Presence

Two independent witnesses must be present simultaneously when you sign or acknowledge your signature. These witnesses play a crucial role in validating the authenticity of your Will.

3. Witness Signatures

Both witnesses must sign the Will in your presence and in the presence of each other. This simultaneous signing helps prevent any questions about the Will’s validity later on.

While these requirements may seem straightforward, it’s surprisingly easy to make mistakes that could invalidate your Will. Therefore, professional guidance proves invaluable during this critical process.

Introducing A.D.E Wills’ Unique Will Signing Service

At A.D.E Wills, we go beyond just creating your Will. We offer a comprehensive Will signing service designed to give you complete peace of mind. Here’s what you can expect:

Expert Guidance

Our team of professionals will come to you, ensuring we execute your Will correctly in the comfort of your chosen location. We’ll walk you through each step of the signing process, explaining its significance and ensuring we meet all legal requirements.


We understand that your time is valuable. Consequently, we work around your schedule, making the process as stress-free as possible. Whether you prefer to sign your Will at home, in your office, or another location of your choice, we’re here to accommodate your needs.

Legal Certainty

Our presence during the signing helps guarantee that we meet all legal requirements. This added layer of assurance makes your Will ironclad in terms of its execution, thus reducing the risk of future challenges.

Free Will Location Registration

As an additional service, we’ll store your Will for free on Certainty, The National Will Database. This registration helps your loved ones locate the Will should they not be aware of its location at the time of your passing, ensuring we respect and know your final wishes.

The Value of Professional Will Signing Services

You might wonder why professional Will signing services are necessary when the requirements seem simple. The truth is, even small mistakes can have significant consequences. Common errors include:

– Having witnesses who are beneficiaries of the Will (which can invalidate their inheritance)
– Not having all parties present simultaneously during signing
– Improper placement of signatures on the document

By utilising our Will signing service, you’re investing in the security of your legacy. For just £100, you gain the assurance that we will honor your final wishes and your Will stands on solid legal ground.

Take Action to Secure Your Legacy

Don’t leave the validity of your Will to chance. At A.D.E Wills, we’re passionate about helping you create a legally sound Will that truly reflects your wishes. Let us help you sign your Will correctly, giving you and your loved ones the peace of mind you deserve.

Ready to ensure we protect your legacy? Take the next step today. Call us on 01865 507174 or email us at info@adewills.co.uk to book your signing appointment. Our friendly team is ready to answer any questions you may have and guide you through the process.

Remember, a properly signed Will forms the cornerstone of a secure estate plan. Therefore, don’t wait – contact A.D.E Wills now and give yourself the gift of certainty.


This article provides general advice on Will signing and execution. While we strive to ensure the accuracy of all information provided, laws regarding Wills can vary and individual circumstances may affect the applicability of this advice. For personalised guidance tailored to your specific situation, please consult with a legal professional at A.D.E Wills.

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